5 Things to Know Before Buying Hemp Products - ExaltHemp

5 Things to Know Before Buying Hemp Products

1. Not All Hemp Products Are The Same

Have you ever looked at a shelf full of hemp products and have had trouble understanding the differences between them? We're here to clear up that confusion! As you browse for products, you may come across different types of hemp extracts such as Isolate, Full Spectrum, Broad Spectrum, and even Terpsolate. It's important to understand the differences between these different types of hemp extracts and figuring out which works best for you. Let us explain...

Each type of Hemp Extracts is based on the extent of extraction from the hemp plant.

Full Spectrum is the most commonly used. When you purchase a full spectrum hemp product, you are getting ALL the compounds and extracts from the hemp plant, including terpenes. All these compounds work together for an enhanced effect, also called the "Entourage Effect." However, keep in mind that because Full Spectrum contains all hemp compounds, it is possible that it may show up on a drug test.

Broad Spectrum is similar to full spectrum as it contains multiple hemp extract compounds and terpenes, but it does not contain any psychoactive (THC) properties.

Isolate is the purest form of hemp extracts. When you see the term "Isolate" on your product, you are getting the specified hemp extract by itself WITHOUT any additional hemp plant compounds, psychoactive properties, or terpenes.

Terpsolate is when a hemp extract isolate is combined with added terpenes. Though this is not as popular as the other types, it is beneficial for those who wish get the "Entourage Effect" with only a specific type of Hemp Extract.

When choosing your next hemp product, keep these facts in mind to help you decide what kind of benefits are best suited for your needs. Some questions to ask yourself: Will the product contain any terpenes for an Entourage Effect? Do I want only one specific type of hemp extract or multiple? Will taking this hemp product show up on my drug test?

2. Hemp Products Must Be Used Regularly

Many customers often get discouraged when using hemp products because they take it one or two times and do not see any immediate results. It's important to note that this is NORMAL. Remember, hemp extracts are not meant to be used as painkillers or any other pharmaceutical drugs that work within a couple hours.

Hemp products are most beneficial when used regularly over a period of time, as a part of your daily lifestyle. Think of it as if it were exercise - will one workout transform your health and body? No. It has to be done continuously over a period of time so you can get the maximum benefits. Hemp products work the same way, so just be patient! If after several months, you still do not notice any changes, try switching over to a different strength, dosage, or type of hemp extract. Remember, what may work for one person may not work for you. The key is to start low and build your way up to a strength you are comfortable with!

3. There Are Scientific Studies Behind Hemp Products

The compounds from hemp plants have been used for centuries for medicinal purposes. Throughout history, the Chinese, Indian Hindus, Greeks, and others were using these compounds to treat issues such as arthritis, pain, inflammation, depression and more. However, there are many critics who still argue that there is no scientific evidence behind the health benefits of using hemp products. This study, shows that hemp extracts have effectively managed pain, nausea, and other harsh effects of chemotherapy in cancer patients. Another study shows that the compounds found in hemp plants may have beneficial effects on anxiety and sleep disorders as well.

4. Don't Be Fooled By A Company's Branding

Have you ever come across companies that say "MD" or "Med" in their brand names? Or have you ever seen a hemp brand company's website that features fake images of doctors or have medical claims? Don't be fooled by this! Many hemp brands love to gain their customers' trust by implying that their hemp products are medical grade or are made by/approved by actual doctors just by the way they brand themselves, when in reality, this is far from the truth.

It is extremely important for a hemp company to be fully transparent with their customers. If you come across a website or a brand that makes these medical claims or say that it is formulated by a doctor, but don't see any evidence that it is true, dig a little deeper. Try contacting the company directly and get the verification you need to know if you can indeed trust them. See what questions to ask in our final point...

5. Do Your Research to Find the Right Hemp Brand

When researching a hemp brand or contacting a hemp product's company, it is necessary to know what actually goes into formulating a high quality hemp product.

Verify the Manufacturer. The very first and MOST important factor to look at is where the product was manufactured. Many companies will either say "Manufactured By..." or "Distributed By..." on their products. If they say where it was manufactured, be sure to confirm if that company is an FDA registered facility. The FDA requires all manufacturing facilities to undergo thorough inspections to ensure their products are being manufactured in a safe and clean environment with strict guidelines. If they are not manufactured in an FDA registered facility, DO NOT buy their products as there is a good chance they could be getting made in a low quality, unclean facility. If your product says, "Distributed By...", remember this is not the same as the manufacturer. As a customer, you have the right to contact the distributor and find out who the actual manufacturer is.

Verify the Formulations. Many hemp product companies say that their products are formulated by a doctor or pharmacist. But what does that mean exactly? If you reach out to a company that makes this claim, and they say that the doctor or pharmacist decided which ingredients to use in their products, this is a red flag. A good formulation is so much more than just combining ingredients. For example, if the hemp product company is claiming "Pharmacist Formulated," then that pharmacist must have calculated the exact amount of hemp extract to use, must know how to keep the product within legal limits, must be able to preserve the taste and oxidation of the product, must perform stability testing on the product for a guaranteed shelf life, and must be able to provide scientific studies on why they chose specific hemp extracts, terpenes, and other essential ingredients.

Verify the Claims. If you come across a hemp product brand that uses words such as "cures" or "treats" on their website or their products, there is a good chance that they are not being transparent and straight-forward with their customers. Legally, a company is not allowed to make claims about hemp products curing or treating any disease or condition as it is not FDA approved. However, saying a hemp product "helps" or "supports" certain issues such anxiety, pain, or sleep is allowed.

The key to a high quality hemp product: Overall, a high quality hemp product formulation will include an antioxidant in the ingredients to help preserve the product, added terpenes in the ingredients to increase the penetration and enhance the effect of the hemp extract, and if it is an ingestible hemp product, then a Certificate of Analysis (CoA) to ensure that the product has been lab tested and is safe to use.

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